
Type Alias SimpleArcChannelManager

pub type SimpleArcChannelManager<M, T, F, L> = ChannelManager<Arc<M>, Arc<T>, Arc<KeysManager>, Arc<KeysManager>, Arc<KeysManager>, Arc<F>, Arc<DefaultRouter<Arc<NetworkGraph<Arc<L>>>, Arc<L>, Arc<RwLock<ProbabilisticScorerUsingTime<Arc<NetworkGraph<Arc<L>>>, Arc<L>, MonotonicTime>>>, ProbabilisticScoringFeeParameters, ProbabilisticScorerUsingTime<Arc<NetworkGraph<Arc<L>>>, Arc<L>, MonotonicTime>>>, Arc<L>>;
Expand description

SimpleArcChannelManager is useful when you need a ChannelManager with a static lifetime, e.g. when you’re using lightning-net-tokio (since tokio::spawn requires parameters with static lifetimes). Other times you can afford a reference, which is more efficient, in which case SimpleRefChannelManager is the more appropriate type. Defining these type aliases prevents issues such as overly long function definitions. Note that the ChannelManager can take any type that implements NodeSigner, EntropySource, and SignerProvider for its keys manager, or, respectively, Router for its router, but this type alias chooses the concrete types of KeysManager and DefaultRouter.

This is not exported to bindings users as type aliases aren’t supported in most languages.

Aliased Type§

struct SimpleArcChannelManager<M, T, F, L> { /* private fields */ }