
Module msgs

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Wire messages, traits representing wire message handlers, and a few error types live here.

For a normal node you probably don’t need to use anything here, however, if you wish to split a node into an internet-facing route/message socket handling daemon and a separate daemon (or server entirely) which handles only channel-related messages you may wish to implement ChannelMessageHandler yourself and use it to re-serialize messages and pass them across daemons/servers.

Note that if you go with such an architecture (instead of passing raw socket events to a non-internet-facing system) you trust the frontend internet-facing system to not lie about the source node_id of the message, however this does allow you to significantly reduce bandwidth between the systems as routing messages can represent a significant chunk of bandwidth usage (especially for non-channel-publicly-announcing nodes). As an alternate design which avoids this issue, if you have sufficient bidirectional bandwidth between your systems, you may send raw socket events into your non-internet-facing system and then send routing events back to track the network on the less-secure system.



