error.rsuse anyhow::Error;
use lwk_wollet::secp256k1;
use sdk_common::prelude::{LnUrlAuthError, LnUrlPayError, LnUrlWithdrawError};
pub type SdkResult<T, E = SdkError> = Result<T, E>;
macro_rules! ensure_sdk {
($cond:expr, $err:expr) => {
if !$cond {
return Err($err);
#[derive(Debug, thiserror::Error)]
pub enum SdkError {
#[error("Liquid SDK instance is already running")]
#[error("Error: {err}")]
Generic { err: String },
#[error("Liquid SDK instance is not running")]
#[error("Service connectivity: {err}")]
ServiceConnectivity { err: String },
impl SdkError {
pub fn generic<T: AsRef<str>>(err: T) -> Self {
Self::Generic {
err: err.as_ref().to_string(),
impl From<anyhow::Error> for SdkError {
fn from(e: Error) -> Self {
impl From<boltz_client::error::Error> for SdkError {
fn from(err: boltz_client::error::Error) -> Self {
match err {
boltz_client::error::Error::HTTP(e) => {
SdkError::generic(format!("Could not contact servers: {e:?}"))
_ => SdkError::generic(format!("{err:?}")),
impl From<secp256k1::Error> for SdkError {
fn from(err: secp256k1::Error) -> Self {
#[derive(thiserror::Error, Debug)]
pub enum PaymentError {
#[error("The specified funds have already been claimed")]
#[error("The specified funds have already been sent")]
#[error("The payment is already in progress")]
#[error("Amount is out of range")]
#[error("Amount is missing: {err}")]
AmountMissing { err: String },
#[error("Asset error: {err}")]
AssetError { err: String },
#[error("Invalid network: {err}")]
InvalidNetwork { err: String },
#[error("Generic error: {err}")]
Generic { err: String },
#[error("The provided fees have expired")]
#[error("Cannot pay: not enough funds")]
#[error("Invalid description: {err}")]
InvalidDescription { err: String },
#[error("The specified invoice is not valid: {err}")]
InvalidInvoice { err: String },
#[error("The generated preimage is not valid")]
#[error("Boltz did not return any pairs from the request")]
#[error("The payment timed out")]
#[error("Could not store the swap details locally")]
#[error("Could not process the Receive Payment: {err}")]
ReceiveError { err: String },
#[error("The payment has been refunded. Reason for failure: {err}")]
Refunded { err: String, refund_tx_id: String },
#[error("The payment is a self-transfer, which is not supported")]
#[error("Could not process the Send Payment: {err}")]
SendError { err: String },
#[error("Could not sign the transaction: {err}")]
SignerError { err: String },
impl PaymentError {
pub(crate) fn asset_error(err: &str) -> Self {
Self::AssetError {
err: err.to_string(),
pub(crate) fn generic(err: &str) -> Self {
Self::Generic {
err: err.to_string(),
pub(crate) fn invalid_invoice(err: &str) -> Self {
Self::InvalidInvoice {
err: err.to_string(),
pub(crate) fn invalid_network(err: &str) -> Self {
Self::InvalidNetwork {
err: err.to_string(),
pub(crate) fn receive_error(err: &str) -> Self {
Self::ReceiveError {
err: err.to_string(),
pub(crate) fn amount_missing(err: &str) -> Self {
Self::AmountMissing {
err: err.to_string(),
impl From<boltz_client::error::Error> for PaymentError {
fn from(err: boltz_client::error::Error) -> Self {
match err {
boltz_client::error::Error::HTTP(e) => PaymentError::Generic {
err: format!("Could not contact servers: {e:?}"),
_ => PaymentError::Generic {
err: format!("{err:?}"),
impl From<boltz_client::bitcoin::hex::HexToArrayError> for PaymentError {
fn from(err: boltz_client::bitcoin::hex::HexToArrayError) -> Self {
PaymentError::Generic {
err: format!("{err:?}"),
impl From<lwk_wollet::Error> for PaymentError {
fn from(err: lwk_wollet::Error) -> Self {
match err {
lwk_wollet::Error::InsufficientFunds => PaymentError::InsufficientFunds,
_ => PaymentError::Generic {
err: format!("{err:?}"),
#[cfg(not(all(target_family = "wasm", target_os = "unknown")))]
impl From<lwk_wollet::UrlError> for PaymentError {
fn from(err: lwk_wollet::UrlError) -> Self {
PaymentError::Generic {
err: format!("{err:?}"),
impl From<lwk_signer::SignerError> for PaymentError {
fn from(err: lwk_signer::SignerError) -> Self {
PaymentError::SignerError {
err: format!("{err:?}"),
impl From<anyhow::Error> for PaymentError {
fn from(err: anyhow::Error) -> Self {
Self::Generic {
err: err.to_string(),
impl From<rusqlite::Error> for PaymentError {
fn from(_: rusqlite::Error) -> Self {
impl From<SdkError> for PaymentError {
fn from(err: SdkError) -> Self {
Self::Generic {
err: err.to_string(),
impl From<sdk_common::bitcoin::util::bip32::Error> for PaymentError {
fn from(err: sdk_common::bitcoin::util::bip32::Error) -> Self {
Self::SignerError {
err: err.to_string(),
impl From<secp256k1::Error> for PaymentError {
fn from(err: secp256k1::Error) -> Self {
Self::Generic {
err: err.to_string(),
impl From<PaymentError> for LnUrlAuthError {
fn from(err: PaymentError) -> Self {
Self::Generic {
err: err.to_string(),
impl From<PaymentError> for LnUrlPayError {
fn from(err: PaymentError) -> Self {
Self::Generic {
err: err.to_string(),
impl From<PaymentError> for LnUrlWithdrawError {
fn from(err: PaymentError) -> Self {
Self::Generic {
err: err.to_string(),