
Function create_onion_message_resolving_destination

pub fn create_onion_message_resolving_destination<ES, NS, NL, T>(
    entropy_source: &ES,
    node_signer: &NS,
    node_id_lookup: &NL,
    network_graph: &ReadOnlyNetworkGraph<'_>,
    secp_ctx: &Secp256k1<All>,
    path: OnionMessagePath,
    contents: T,
    reply_path: Option<BlindedMessagePath>,
) -> Result<(PublicKey, OnionMessage, Option<Vec<SocketAddress>>), SendError>
where ES: Deref, NS: Deref, NL: Deref, T: OnionMessageContents, <ES as Deref>::Target: EntropySource, <NS as Deref>::Target: NodeSigner, <NL as Deref>::Target: NodeIdLookUp,
Expand description

Creates an OnionMessage with the given contents for sending to the destination of path, first calling Destination::resolve on path.destination with the given ReadOnlyNetworkGraph.

Returns the node id of the peer to send the message to, the message itself, and any addresses needed to connect to the first node.